Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Dating problem with a Latchmore, Hitchin, picture

Herts Photographers
Latchmore Picture 6147
Have a good look at this picture, which Carol provided, and before reading the text below the fold try to estimate the decade when it was taken. (clicking on the picture caption will give you a larger image.) It would help if you could comment your thoughts.
The problem is that the number suggests it was taken for a family wedding in about 1870, while Carol thinks it might be a family wedding in about 1900. If Carol is right Latchmore may have had two series of numbers. See Thomas Benwell Latchmore of Hitchin.

1 comment:

  1. In 1911 Amy C. Austin born Clerkenwell was a patient at Mackonochie House, Bognor. She is described as an artist. There are some references on the net to the House and the Miss Stewart who ran it and was there in 1911. They do not explain why those staying there would be described as patients. Anthony


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