Saturday, June 8, 2013

Ouch !!!

I was on my way to the Herts Record Society AGM when there was a little incident! So sorry but the planned review of their latest book will be delayed, there will be no first hand report of the meeting and I didn't take any photographs of old Norton.

While it was only a low speed incident the car in front had a high rear bumper which went right over the top of my bumper and onto the radiator grill and front edge of the bonnet. At least until the insurance company's courtesy car arrives we are a no car family - which causes problems because the car is mainly used by a "blue badge" holder. Because of the age of the car there is a danger that the insurance company will treat it as a write off - in which case getting a suitable replacement will become a priority.

So for at least a week, or possibly two, don't be surprised if there are no further posts on this blog as I will have other more urgent things to do..

Goodbye, Old Friend
We hope your successor will be as reliable as you were

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